apps for kids

English-Chinese Learning Cards 儿童英语启蒙单词卡软件 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

No Comments » Written on February 1st, 2024 by
Categories: apps for kids

Embark on a journey of growth, habit formation, and language triumphs with EduExplorer! With fun task focus on over 500 words, bilingual pronunciations, and interactive learning experiences, this app is designed to make English learning enjoyable and effective for children. Foster a love for language from an early age and watch as your child conquers linguistic challenges with joyous exploration.

• Simple controls, developed especially for kids age 2-6.
• Vibrant and Adorable Word Images: Engage in memorable learning experiences with lively and cute word images. Quickly and flexibly memorize commonly used English words in daily life.
• Bilingual Word Cards: Explore over 500 words with both Chinese and English pronunciations on interactive word cards suitable for both adults and children.
• Innovative Interactive Review Sessions: Immerse your child in entertaining and innovative interactive review sessions. Create a natural language environment, sparking and nurturing your child's interest in language.
• Rich Categorization: Help your kids grasp various vocabulary categories, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of different words.
• Word Pronunciation and Targeted Quizzes: Enable word pronunciation with point-to-read functionality. Utilize targeted quizzes for a flexible approach to enhancing word memory.
• Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.





● 生动可爱的单词图片加强记忆,灵活快速记忆日常生活中常用的英文单词。
● 英语单词卡片提供超过500个单词中英文发音,大人小孩都可以使用。
● 星趣味创新的互动复习环节,让孩子完全沉浸其中,打造天然的语言环境,点亮孩子兴趣。
● 分类丰富,帮助宝宝掌握各种不同词汇。
● 提供单词点读,针对性小测试,更灵活地提高对单词的记忆。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。





● 生動可愛的單詞圖片加強記憶,靈活快速記憶日常生活中常用的英文單詞。
● 英語單詞卡片提供超過500個單詞中英文發音,大人小孩都可以使用。
● 星趣味創新的互動複習環節,讓孩子完全沉浸其中,打造天然的語言環境,點亮孩子興趣。
● 分類豐富,幫助寶寶掌握各種不同詞彙。
● 提供單詞點讀,針對性小測試,更靈活地提高對單詞的記憶。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。


English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡


English-Chinese Learning Cards - 兒童英語啓蒙單詞卡

Train Simulator & Driver Games & Driver Games – 火车:铁路交通驾驶游戏 – 火車:鐵路交通駕駛遊戲

No Comments » Written on October 2nd, 2022 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese

The best game for train lovers is here! We could assemble train parts, carriage in different style and passenger in this game.

And more, drive your own train to take a trip in the amazing world of ice-cream.
In the trip, we could be a train staff in the train uniform. Check if the luggage is properly stacked, take a trail in control room to control the equipment, driving into high-speed railway station etc.
Also, there are lots of assambling game for railways tracks, for you to design the pathway for trains to travel between city and countryside.
This is so much fun, that you can’t miss. The train is departing! Come and play now!

- Assembling steam train - understand train parts, wheels and mechanic structures and how they work together.

- Professions Role Playing Games - get to know the daily work of a train staff or high-speed train operator.
- Many fun carriages in different style available for you to create your own train, Regular carriage for passenger, pumpkin carriage, cake carriage, carriage of coal, flat carriage etc.
- Provides many fun track puzzles to design your path. The train would go to destination following the designed path.
- Each train part has a name, while the user chooses any of them, a voice will tell them the name of the chosen train part. The fun activity is for the game user to learn more words and mechanic knowledge.
- Supports Simplify Chinese and Traditional Chinese.
- Two models of pronunciation: Mandarin, Cantonese.





- 拼装蒸汽火车,了解火车部件,轮子,和机械结构。

- 职业体验游戏:了解火车工作人员和高铁司机的日常工作。

- 提供普通客车厢,南瓜车厢,蛋糕车厢,煤炭车厢,平板货车厢等多款有趣的车厢组合您喜爱火车专列。

- 提供多条有趣的轨道地图,玩家进行拼接组合,火车沿着指定的轨道行驶到目的地,有趣好玩。

- 火车每个部件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音, 让孩子在游戏中学习更多的字词和机械物理知识。

- 支持简体和繁体显示。

- 支持普通话,粤语发音。





- 拼裝蒸汽火車,了解火車部件,輪子,和機械結構。

- 職業體驗遊戲:了解火車工作人員和高鐵司機的日常工作。

- 提供普通客車廂,南瓜車廂,蛋糕車廂,煤炭車廂,平板貨車廂等多款有趣的車廂組合您喜愛火車專列。

- 提供多條有趣的軌道地圖,玩家進行拼接組合,火車沿著指定的軌道行駛到目的地,有趣好玩。

- 火車每個部件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音, 讓孩子在遊戲中學習更多的字詞和機械物理知識。

- 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

- 支持普通話,粵語發音。

Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲
Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲
Train Builder  & Driver Games - 小火车:铁路交通教育拼图游戏 - 小火車:鐵路交通教育拼圖遊戲

Cantonese Game For Kids-粤语儿童游戏-粵語兒童遊戲

Comments Off on Cantonese Game For Kids-粤语儿童游戏-粵語兒童遊戲 Written on December 19th, 2019 by
Categories: apps for kids

This is an interesting game for kids to learn Cantonese and inherit Cantonese culture in a fun way.

“Cantonnese Game for Kids” is a collection of Cantonese learning games for Kids to learn Cantonese. Kids would get so much fun out of it.
- Fun games come with the game. “Baby Learns to Talk”, “Transportation Role Play” etc.
- “Baby Learns to Talk” Game:
It’s a language initiation game prepared for infants from 0 to 3 years old. Babies get to learn vocabulary and daily knowledge through experiencing various event sets within the game. Both English and Cantonese are available. All sound in the game are recorded by Real human.
- “Transportation Role Play” Game:
There are various career experiences related to vehicles in children's games of traffic professional experience. It enables children to recognize various occupations in the game, understand different occupations' names and work contents, and play super interesting role in playing games.
Ice cream truck, fire rescue helicopter, bus, airplane, rocket, trucks and other professional games:The ice cream truck came to France and took the children to know France and complete the ice cream mission.Fire rescue helicopters carry out the task of forest fire rescue.Know the structure of the crane and understand the assembly process of the playground roller coaster.
The Bus Game:
I am the bus driver. Dear passengers, for your safety sake, please sit and stand properly.
Airplane Puzzle Game:
It has a collection of 12 different kinds of plane, from Nighthawk to Airbus A380.
Explore Space Adventure Game:
Discover the structure of a rocket, experience the rocket launching, and get to taste the training course for the astronauts.
- Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.- Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.- Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.- Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game.- Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.


让孩子边玩游戏边学会粤语,学会用粤语说话, 继承粤语传统文化。《粤语儿童游戏》是一个专为儿童设计的粤语游戏合集,通过不同的生活场景、活泼的互动方式,让宝宝在游戏中学习粤语。内容丰富,有趣的游戏,宝宝一定会乐在其中!

● 游戏里有“宝宝学说话”,“交通工具职业体验”,游戏好玩有趣,全部都是粤语真人发音。
- 雪糕车、消防救援直升机、工程车、公共汽车巴士、飞机、 宇宙太空探索冒险等职业认识的游戏。- 雪糕车来到法国啦,带小朋友认识法国和完成送雪糕任务。
- 消防救援直升机执行森林救火任务。- 认识吊车结构和安装游乐场过山车设施过程。
- 我是公共汽车巴士司机,认识信号灯和交通标志,安全驾驶是首选!
- 飞机百科拼图,科普的综合认知型游戏。从夜鹰战机到空中客车A380,精选12款不同类型的飞机。- 探索太空冒险,对航天火箭结构的认识、火箭发射过程,了解宇航员的训练课程。
● 每种类别都有交通工具的组装,职业装扮以及职业模仿体验游戏。
● 游戏操作简单有趣,拼图组装以及多种互动方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。


讓孩子邊玩遊戲邊學會粵語,學會用粵語說話, 繼承粵語傳統文化。《粵語兒童遊戲》是一個專為兒童設計的粵語遊戲合集,通過不同的生活場景、活潑的互動方式,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習廣東話。內容豐富,有趣的遊戲,寶寶一定會樂在其中!

● 遊戲裏有“寶寶學說話”,“交通工具職業體驗”,遊戲好玩有趣,全部都是粵語真人發音。
- 雪糕車、消防救援直升機、工程車、公共汽車巴士、飛機、 宇宙太空探索冒險等職業認識的遊戲。
- 雪糕車來到法國啦,帶小朋友認識法國和完成送雪糕任務。
- 消防救援直升機執行森林救火任務。- 認識吊車結構和安裝遊樂場過山車設施過程。
- 我是公共汽車巴士司機,認識信號燈和交通標誌,安全駕駛是首選!
- 飛機百科拼圖,科普的綜合認知型遊戲。從夜鷹戰機到空中客車A380,精選12款不同類型的飛機。
- 探索太空冒險,對航天火箭結構的認識、火箭發射過程,了解宇航員的訓練課程。
● 每種類別都有交通工具的組裝,職業裝扮以及職業模仿體驗遊戲。
● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,拼圖組裝以及多種互動方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Cantonese Game For Kids-粤语儿童游戏-粵語兒童遊戲

Explore Space Adventure – 探索太空冒险

No Comments » Written on April 27th, 2019 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Explore Space Adventure is a career role play puzzle game for kids. It takes you into the universe to explore mysterious planets. Join the great journey to the unknown galaxy that you will never forget.

Features: • Simple controls, developed especially for kids age 2-6. • It’s an entertaining astronomy game for kids to explore space with fun. • Discover the structure of a rocket, expreience the rocket launching, and get to taste the training course for the astronauts. • In the game, kids can pilot the spacecraft to take an adventure in space, meet with friendly Aliens, and get to know the galaxy. • Don’t miss the fun game of connceting the stars, so kids can learn the order of numbers. • It’s fun and easy to play. It allows kids to move puzzles around plus plenty of interactions, allows your kids to explore freely. • Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words. • Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game. • Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.




【产品特色】 ● 对航天火箭结构的认识、火箭发射过程,了解宇航员的训练课程. ● 游戏里的可以操纵飞船在宇宙中冒险,和外星人交朋友,认识宇宙星系,让宝宝开阔眼界和想象力。 ● 星座连线游戏,不但能让宝宝学习数字顺序,提高理性的逻辑思维能力的同时,也扩展了图形认知能力。 ● 游戏操作简单有趣,拼图组装以及多种互动方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维能力。 ● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的字词和物件。 ● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,让宝宝游戏中快乐学习。 ● 支持简体和繁体显示。




【產品特色】 ● 對航太火箭結構的認識、火箭發射過程,瞭解宇航員的訓練課程。 ● 遊戲裡的可以操縱飛船在宇宙中冒險,和外星人交朋友,認識宇宙星系,讓寶寶開闊眼界和想像力。 ● 星座連線遊戲,不但能讓寶寶學習數位順序,提高理性的邏輯思維能力的同時,也擴展了圖形認知能力。 ● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,拼圖組裝以及多種互動方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維能力。 ● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的字詞和物件。 ● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,讓寶寶遊戲中快樂學習。 ● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。



Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏

No Comments » Written on February 21st, 2019 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Wow! That’s so big! Do you know what plane that is?
All About Aircraft Puzzle is a comprehensive teaching game for kids.

If your kids love puzzles, coloring, and who might want to know more about air planes, this is the game for them. This game has a collection of 12 different kinds of plane, from Nighthawk to Airbus A380. Your children will surely enjoy it. Come on, let’s become a flight engineer, and fly to the sky!

• Simple controls, developed especially for kids age 2-8.
• Collection of 12 classic aircrafts. Know more about aircrafts: Boeing 787, Airbus A380, B-2 Stealth Bomber, F-14 "Tomcat" Fighter, MiG-15, Harrier Jump Jet etc.
• Assembling the aircraft, for kids to learn about the structure of the aircraft within this game.
• Activating potential artistic talent in kids by aircraft coloring game, it’s so colorful.
• With audio explanation on popular aircraft science, explore more stories about aircrafts.
• Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game.
• Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.




● 精选12款不同类型的经典飞机,对飞机认知更全面:波音787客机, 空中客车A380, B-2 “幽灵”隐身战略轰炸机, F-14“雄猫”战斗机,米格15,“鹞”式战斗机等。
● 组装飞机游戏,让宝宝通过游戏了解认识飞机的结构。
● 飞机涂鸦板,色彩丰富,激发宝宝的艺术潜能。
● 附有语音讲解的飞机科普小知识,带孩子探索飞机制造背后的故事。
● 游戏各环节都附有鼓励语音,让宝宝游戏中快乐学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。




● 精選12款不同類型的經典飛機,對飛機認知更全面:波音787客機, 空中客車A380, B-2 “幽靈”隱身戰略轟炸機, F-14“雄貓”戰鬥機,米格15,“鷂”式戰鬥機等。
● 組裝飛機遊戲,讓寶寶通過遊戲了解認識飛機的結構。
● 飛機塗鴉板,色彩豐富,激發寶寶的藝術潛能。
● 附有語音講解的飛機科普小知識,帶孩子探索飛機制造背後的故事。
● 遊戲各環節都附有鼓勵語音,讓寶寶遊戲中快樂學習。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏 Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏 Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏 Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏 Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏 Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏

Airplane: Puzzle and Coloring-飞机百科拼图-涂色游戏

Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和汽车

No Comments » Written on December 27th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Every child has his own little career dream, and they are also curious about the different industries. "My father is a policeman. My mother can make all kinds of ice cream. How do they work on earth?"
There are various career experiences related to vehicles in children's games of traffic professional experience. It enables children to recognize various occupations in the game, understand different occupations' names and work contents, and play super interesting role in playing games.

Age:2-7 years old.

- Ice cream truck, fire rescue helicopter, trucks and other professional games:
The ice cream truck came to France and took the children to know France and complete the ice cream mission. Fire rescue helicopters carry out the task of forest fire rescue.
Know the structure of the crane and understand the assembly process of the playground roller coaster.
- Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.
- Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.
- Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.
- Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game.
- Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.




- 雪糕车、消防救援直升机、工程车等职业认识的游戏。
- 每种类别都有交通工具的组装,职业装扮以及职业模仿体验游戏。

- 游戏操作简单有趣,拼图组装以及多种互动方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。

- 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
- 游戏中附有鼓励语音, 使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
- 支持简体和繁体显示。




- 雪糕車、消防救援直升機、工程車等職業認識的遊戲。
- 每種類別都有交通工具的組裝,職業裝扮以及職業模仿體驗遊戲。
- 遊戲操作簡單有趣,拼圖組裝以及多種互動方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。

- 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
- 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音, 使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。
- 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等 Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等 Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等 Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等 Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等

Transport Puzzle Game for Kids-宝宝交通工具拼图游戏: 巴士和挖掘机等

Bus Driver – Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏

No Comments » Written on August 7th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Please pay attention! The bus is going to stop! I am the bus driver. Dear passengers, for your safety sake, please sit and stand properly.

Bus Driver-Game for kids is a role-play puzzle game for kids to know more about the occupations. Through the game, kids can gain knowledge about various buses and transportations. In addition, kids can experience about the routine work of the bus drivers.

Age:2-6 years old.

● Kids can learn about the basic structures of the buses, the ways of maintaining and washing the buses as well.
● Kids can experience the routine work of the bus driver: for example, start to run the bus, stop the bus and let passengers get on and get off the bus safely, and arrive at the terminal etc.
● Kids can learn about the rules of getting on the buses.
● Kids can learn about the safety symbols and instructions so that kids may realize the importance of safety at a higher level.
● Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.
● Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.
● Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.
● Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game.
● Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.




● 巴士结构的认识和了解,修理保养,洗车等!
● 体验巴士司机的日常工作:开车,进站载乘客,乘客上落车,到达终点站等!
● 让小朋友认识乘车文明礼貌,安全乘车,遵守交通规则。
● 熟悉交通安全标志,认识交通指示标志,提高儿童安全意识。

 ● 职业装扮以及职业模仿体验游戏,激发孩子对职业的了解欲望。

 ● 游戏操作简单有趣,拼图组装以及多种互动方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音, 让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的字词和物件。

● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,让宝宝游戏中快乐学习。 

● 支持简体和繁体显示。




● 巴士結構的認識和了解,修理保養,洗車等!
● 體驗巴士司機的日常工作:開車,進站載乘客,乘客上落車,到達終點站等!
● 讓小朋友認識乘車文明禮貌,安全乘車,遵守交通規則。
● 熟悉交通安全標誌,認識交通指示標誌,提高兒童安全意識。

 ● 職業裝扮以及職業模仿體驗遊戲,激發孩子對職業的了解欲望。

 ● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,拼圖組裝以及多種互動方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音, 讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的字詞和物件。

● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,讓寶寶遊戲中快樂學習。 

● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏 Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏 Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏 Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏 Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏

Bus Driver - Game for Kids:宝宝当公共汽车巴士司机-儿童拼图游戏

Little Baby Chef – Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏

No Comments » Written on August 7th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

Little baby chef - restaurant is a puzzle game for children to experience being a chef, mum's good assistant, baby's best friend. It's an excellent tool for educational enlightenment!
It would always be so happy and fun to follow mum and dad to go out for a big dinner! Now, even better, you have a chance to run your own restaurant, starting from designing the restaurant,preparing menu.
Want to have a try? Come on, to make delicious food for the guest!

Age:2-6 years old.

● Understanding the operation procedures of a restaurant.
● Colorful, high d screen stimulating your appetite and developing creative thinking.
● Name and its Chinese pronunciation are on each component of the puzzle which will allow children to learn more Chinese words and phrases.
● Happy learning encouraged by appropriate praises. Simplified and traditional display.




● 了解经营餐厅的流程。
● 职业模仿体验游戏,从游戏中学习关于食物烹饪的知识。
● 画面逼真,色彩鲜艳,激发食欲,开拓创造性思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。




● 了解經營餐廳的流程。
● 職業模仿體驗遊戲,從遊戲中學習關於食物烹飪的知識。
● 畫面逼真,色彩鮮艷,激發食欲,開拓創造性思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏 Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏 Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏 Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏 Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏

Little Baby Chef - Restaurant: Game for Kids-小宝宝大厨师-餐厅儿童游戏

Trucks for children kids – Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

No Comments » Written on March 28th, 2017 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids, Cantonese, Taste

Trucks - Construction is a professional experience game for toddlers, preschoolers and kids. The children will experience different kinds of construction processes, knowing what machine vehicle is for digging, how a bridge is constructed, how to build a road. Such a fantastic construction site! Why waiting? Go ahead for a new start!

Age:2-6 years old.

● Different trucks structures and relevant knowledge.
● Professional role plays on the construction site for training the children observation and thinking skills.
● Simple operation like jigsaw puzzle, very interesting and good for logical thinking development.
● Each component is equipped with pronunciation, learning more professional words.
● Happy learning is encouraged by appropriate praises throughout the game. ● Support with Simplified and Traditional Chinese texts.


宝宝可以通过游戏,了解各种建筑物的施工过程,知道卡车,挖掘机等大型建筑机械的构造和用途,大桥是怎么建筑的,路面是怎么铺建的…… 看!建筑工地上处处是一片热火朝天的景象。还在等什么?马上开始吧!


● 了解各种工程车的结构与用途。
● 建筑职业模仿体验游戏,培养宝宝的观察能力和思维能力。
● 游戏操作简单有趣,用拼图组装的方式,发展宝宝的逻辑思维。
● 每个组件拼图都附有名称并伴有发音,让宝宝在游戏中学习认知更多的词组和物件。
● 游戏中附有鼓励语音,使宝宝在快乐的游戏中学习。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。


寶寶可以通過遊戲,了解各種建築物的施工過程,知道卡車,挖掘機等大型建築機械的構造和用途,大橋是怎麽建築的,路面是怎麽鋪建的…… 看!建築工地上處處是一片熱火朝天的景象。還在等什麽?馬上開始吧!


● 了解各種工程車的結構與用途。
● 建築職業模仿體驗遊戲,培養寶寶的觀察能力和思維能力。
● 遊戲操作簡單有趣,用拼圖組裝的方式,發展寶寶的邏輯思維。
● 每個組件拼圖都附有名稱並伴有發音,讓寶寶在遊戲中學習認知更多的詞組和物件。
● 遊戲中附有鼓勵語音,使寶寶在快樂的遊戲中學習。

● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏 Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Trucks for children kids - Construction games-宝宝认识建筑工地:卡车,挖掘机儿童拼图游戏

Baby be polite – children’s early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件

No Comments » Written on July 1st, 2016 by
Categories: Apps, apps for kids

How to communicate when received the gift?
How to do when guests to home?
what do you say when you need some help?

The children's game "Baby be polite" can help babies to get social skills! It designs multiple life scenes of daily language for the babies, with interactive games, let babies to learn language within the game, to improve their emotional intelligence and social skills.

Apply age: 2 ~ 6 years old children

● It includes "hello" "thank you" "please", " sorry", and other common polite expressions.
● Kids friendly voice guide, let kids easy to learn and remember the polite words.
● Life scenes design, make kids get more good habit of polite.
● The operation is simple and interesting, characters are cute and kids friendly.
● It supports simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese.





● 游戏中包括 “您好”“谢谢”“请”“对不起”等多个常用生活礼貌用语。
● 发生在宝宝身边的生活场景 ,感同身受,养成懂礼貌的好习惯。
● 操作简单有趣,角色画面可爱。
● 支持简体和繁体显示。





● 遊戲中包括 “您好”“謝謝”“請”“對不起”等多個常用生活禮貌用語。
● 發生在寶寶身邊的生活場景 ,感同身受,養成懂禮貌的好習慣。
● 操作簡單有趣,角色畫面可愛。
● 支持簡體和繁體顯示。

Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件 Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件

Baby be polite - children's early education app-宝宝懂礼貌-日常礼仪,性格培养,好习惯养成儿童早教学习软件